Readers may be able to complete the quote from James Madison, cited in the ‘Presidential Quotations’ section from the invaluable video documentary The Money Masters by Patrick S. J. Carmack.
President James Madison warned: ‘History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance.”
In 2004 Jim Hoffman and I published a book that’s titled Waking Up from Our Nightmare / The 9/11/01 Crimes in New York City. Many sellers offer the book online. You can read the whole of ‘The Financiers behind “ ‘9/11’ " section of Waking Up from Our Nightmare on the webstie here.
The book’s first two sections are headed, ‘WTC 7’ and ‘The Twin Towers’. These sections run to 36 pages and offer graphic proofs that both the 47-story World Trade Center Building 7 and the 110-story North and South Towers were destroyed by controlled demolitions on September 11, 2001..
Below are pages 8 and 31 from Waking Up from Our Nightmare. You may be moved by them to remark on Jim Hoffman’s extraordinary-unto-superlative intelligence and his abilities to illustrate facts with analyses. I wrote the draft pages of WUFON by day in San Francisco during a months-long process (June to August 2004) and then at night in the East Bay Jim and I worked side by side at computers to augment and fine-tune the pages
The third section of WUFON is titled ‘The Financiers behind “ ‘9/11’ “ ‘. This 17-page section aims to ascertain the Who and the Why of The ‘9/11/01 Crimes in New York City. Its title is the same as that for a talk I gave at the ‘9/11 Truth Conference’ in Toronto, Ontario, the last weekend of May 2004.
The page that explains our ascribing guilt to the ‘Financiers’ is below,
And now, following that longish preamble, let me present five pages that I hope will show how in 2024 we, the peoples of the United States and ALL N.A.TO. Nations and, in fact, Israel, Russia, China, and ALL the Nations of the necessarily expanding B.R.I.C.S, remain in such a Grievous Pickle, such a Daily Horror-Show of Civilian Mothers and Children and Prisoners Maimed and Murdered: the criminal Banksters who have profited from the Wars that their conspiracies have compelled over more than two centuries STILL NEED Wars to ‘maintain their control’ over Governments and their Desperately Inequitous systems and structures.
Tools for the Banksters highlit in these five pages from 2004 are the Federal Reserve System and the Council of Foreign Relations in the United States. Tools for the Banksters in 2024 are more suitably supranational: the Bank of International Settlements and the World Economic Forum of Switzerland.
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