A.I. Makes For Killers in Hebron and across the Gaza
The 'Smart-Shooter' Technology 'Compensates' for Soldiers' 'Unwillingness to Aim'.
This past week (ending, say, May 11, 2024), Mint Press, and its director, Mnar Adley, visited the city of Hebron on the ‘West Bank” of Holy Lands that are uneasily shared by Israel and the Palestinian Authority. The title of Mnar’s print and video piece is ‘Automated Apartheid.’
Two websites that are platforms for alternative information and for exposing hideous wrongs that surround us in 2024, Health Impact News and Vigilant Cititzen, presented highlights from ‘Automated Apartheid’. Brian Shilhavy of Health Impact News showed us the combination of Cameras and Guns, both controlled by the fundamentally anti-human and de-evolutionary means named Artificial Intelligence (A.I.), that Israel Defense Forces deploy against Palestinians in Hebron.
‘Apartheid’ refers to the separation and subjugation of Palestinians to Israeli interests. Literal walls, blockades of barbed-wire two adult humans nigh, Gates and Passes, watch-towers with sentries and snipers, and cameras focused across fences 24/7 assure constant surveillance and denigration. Palestinians—of whom there are more than 200,000 within the highly productive (17,000 factories and an enduring work-focre of 3000 to 4000 shoe-making personnel in the H1 Area administered by the Palestinian Authority on the West Bank—are kept like prisoners apart from the region’s riches (dates, eggplants, figs, grapes, plums), much like natives of Algiers were kept in the caged congestion of the Casbah under French colonial rule.
Brian Shilhavy, Editor of Health Impact News, writes:
‘The Palestinian section of Hebron is very obviously the world’s most advanced Smart City and the blueprint for future 15-minute Smart Cities that are already being planned throughout the U.S.
Like Palestinian Hebron, these “cities” will be literal outdoor prisons, where everything people do in these cities is tracked, and you can only enter or leave by providing a face scan.’
Vigilant Citizen, re-posting through its Links section the H.I.N. summary, was like H.I.N. in pointing to A.I. as an inherent invader of human sovereignty and transgressor of essential privacies.
21st-century technology enables oppression and exploitation by remote control.
Vice News reported in late September 2022, 20 months ago, on Israels installation of a turret-gunto overlook a main border-crossing in Hebron. The gun overlooks al-Shuhada Street and a once-bustling Market for Palestinians.
Mattehw Gault of Vice News writes.
‘Israel has deployed a remote-controlled turret in the West Bank. The system was installed over a checkpoint on Shuhada street in the city of Hebron, according to videos of the device and reporting by Israeli outlet Haaretz. It has the capacity to fire stun grenades, tear gas, and sponge-tipped bullets.’
Gault and Vice News continue.
“As part of the army’s improved preparations for confronting people disrupting order in the area, it is examining the possibility of using remotely-controlled systems for the employment of approved measures of crowd dispersal. This does not include remote control of live gunfire,” a spokesman for the Israeli Army told Haaretz.
The turret is the creation of Israel defense firm Smart Shooter, a company that’s working on autonomous weapon systems, including an attachment for rifles that would compensate for a soldier’s inability or unwillingness to aim. “Our goal is to take the concept of precision weaponry to missiles, fighter planes, and in some cases, armored infantry carriers. Or, to the most basic infantry company.” Smart Shooter Operational Expert Shmuel Rabinovitz told i24 news in 2020. ‘
Further into Artificial Intelligence via Smart Shooter. ‘Smart Shooter works by using an AI system that follows and locks in on targets. Its website marketing calls this “One Shot—One Hit” and boasts that the company “combines simple to install hardware with advanced image-processing software to turn basic small arms into 21st century smart weapons.”
The ‘Smart-Shooter’ guns, turret or other, connect to West Bank-wide grid of surveillance, ‘a database called Blue Wolf;, that the Israel Defense Forces and Israeli agencies have built over years.
‘An elaborate system of cameras deployed in the West Bank are hooked into a database called Blue Wolf that tracks the movement of monitored Palestinians. Hebron was one of the first cities to utilize the system which allows the Israeli authorities to identify people before they’d presented their ID card.
The use of sponge-tipped bullets in policing is also controversial. Palestinians hit by by the munitions have sustained permanent injury and lost eyes.’
Again, please see the AI-controlled guns, turret and other.
Next, let’s review Smart Shooter’s claims, as related by Matthew Gault and Vice News.
‘The turret is the creation of Israel defense firm Smart Shooter, a company that’s working on autonomous weapon systems, including an attachment for rifles that would compensate for a soldier’s inability or unwillingness to aim.’
What do you find most CRIMINAL in Smart Shooter’s creations and claims. To me, it’s this: ‘an attachment for rifles that would compensate for a soldier’s inability or unwillingness to aim.’
Smart-Shooter’s ‘attachment’ will override ‘a solider’s inability or unwillingness to. aim.’ The weapon controlled by A.I. will fire despite a soldier’s will.
Additional A.I. will make the weapon—fired despite the choice and discretion of the perhaps ‘unwilling’ soldier holding it—more more likely to be lethal.. “One Shot, One Hit” from this ‘21st-century smart weapon.’
A child can see how such A.I. in a weapon cripples soldiers’ own intelligence and morality. The soldier of whatever gender is made klller robot. A. I. overrules his or her conscience or discretion. Point the gun, the gun will aim and the gun with its ‘advanced image-processing software’ will kill, triggered against an individual—a mother with child, say—perhaps identified to it by the facial-recognition that the State of Israel and its Blue Wolf network have built to monitor both Palestinians AND Israelis.
A.I. not only denies soldiers’ choice. It allows soldiers excuses for mistaken violence—violence unto murder.
A truer acronym for A.I. is Against Integrity. A.I. is intrinsically Against Individuality. A.I. is against the Independence that most distinguishes human beings as a species.
A.I. is inherently a Tool of its inventors and controllers—controllers who are dominantly in our 21st century Corporation and/or State. A.I. in its very Code deprives us of creativity, morality, and gestures of the heart sometimes called God’s grace,
Also—a topie for another piece—A.I. is INFINITELY less capable of genius than our human brains AND spirits are capable. A.I. as represented by ’Smart-Phones’ is so often and so miserably WRONG in the steps it presents.
How many times have you been misled by G.P.S. in the past year? How often does your ‘Smart Phone’ frustrate solutions obvious to you?
Returning to more overt wars against civilians in our present, Israeli Defense Forces deploy A.I. for warfare on a Broad Scale through the tool it’s named “Habsora”, or ‘The Gospel". Hab
Throughout the block of repressive years that societies on every Continent have suffered under pretest of “COVID-19”, the “COVID” that’s really the largest and most murderousl Covert Operation ever, Israelis have been isolated from each other, deprived of freedoms, and coerced into accepting serial mRNA ‘vaccines.’ Israelis were much abused by their Governments ‘Before the Shots’. Rebel, Israelis!
Hundreds millions more now see through the deadly, stupid Agenda of the World Economic Forum and its 100 Strategic Partners among global (of course) Corporations.
Time for us all to UNITE, to REJECT A.I. in every form, and to OVERTHROW once more the Ruling Few of Evil and their hopeless tools.
1. https://www.mintpressnews.com/automated-apartheid-walking-hebron-smart-city-documentary/287367/
4. https://www.vice.com/en/article/wxnp5b/israel-deploys-ai-powered-turret-in-the-west-bank
5. https://donpaul.substack.com/p/the-ai-war-on-family-homes-in-the
6. https://donpaul.substack.com/p/before-the-shots-israels-governments
7. https://donpaul.substack.com/p/the-wefs-agenda-is-exploding-as-its