'A Pair of Squirrels Cavort in the Japanese Magnolia Tree' + 'The Blue-Fin Tuna' + "Moosical " Wit
Looking at the Squirrels outside and the Dancing Moose within
November 25, 2024
Young squirrels’ Bower and Gymnasia.
‘A Pair of Squirrels Cavort in the Japanese Magnolia Tree’
The pair of young squirrels Leap, tag and land on each other, Dive and cling and swing like lemurs Burrow with their forepaws, Within blanched trunk and branches Of the Japanese Magnolia outside our window-seat This 7:00 a.m. breakfast-time morning. The air is good for play. Autumn edges into Cool overnight. The pair Will chase and tag, leap and land and tussle Over moments, bushy-tailed and chesnut-brown, Like there's no end to tomorrows.
Sunday morning, 8:00 a.m., November 24, 2024.
Me to MARYSE beside the kitchin-sink: “What are you laughing at?”
M.: “I was laughing at your frolicking Reindeer.”
(Pajama-pants, thermal-warm, distingished by their diagonal patterns of herbivores rather dancing a background of tundra-gray.)
D.: “Oh. You can have some, too. I bet they’re still available at [Unnamed Source].”
M.: “Or are they Moose?”
D. “They’re Moose. So they’re even more amusing.”
M: “I thought so. Because they’re so Moos-ical.”
‘Blue Fin Tuna’
Blue-Fin Tuna Blue-fin Tuna have lived on Earth 160 million years. Each female Blue-fn Tuna delivers About 30 million Self-sustaining eggs into the Gulf of Mexico In her Summer spawning. 99.9% of young Blue-fin Tuna die Before they reach one year in age. The mature Giant Blue-fin Tuna weighs As much as 1400 pounds. Each year, this great fish navigates By its sense-of-smell and third-eye In currents of waters Offshore Florida and North Carolina, Massachusetts and Labrador, Greenland and Iceland and Ireland. Then, farther south, the Blue-fin Tuna proceeds To the Straits of Gibraltar and Canary Islands, Crosses back across the Atlantic to Brasil, And turns north again Toward Barbados and the Yucatan.... What a wonder Is the Blue-fin Tuna! Every year, The Blue-fin Tuna travels its circuit, Ten thousand miles, Feeding in favored confluences Of the oceanic soup Where teem Phytoplankton, zooplankton, shrimp, Herring, ... The Blue-fin Tuna's apex assuring Continuance of all Their realm's Chain of Being. Plutarch wondered which of Creation Had the greater intelligence and sensibility: Creatures of the land or the sea. August 24, 2010
’Blue-Fin Tuna’ and many more Poems and Songs can be read for free through the Animals Are Always Making Music PDF on the Ur1Light.com website.
The book itself in one of its Editions is available from several sellers online.