9/11 GUILT--The Federal Reserve System and the Council on Foreign Relations. Partners in Thievery over One Century of Recessions Depressions, Confiscations, Wars, and False-Flag Attacks.
111 years under the FRS! 103 years with the CFR! "Sure be time we take control!"
JIM HOFFMAN, CELESTINE STAR, and I wanted to add parts to our 9/11 Guilt / The Proof Is in Your Hands DVD that might enhance what viewers felt and understood from the whole DVD. Jim’s effort, aided by Celestine, were his Slides of Testimony by Fire Department of New York firefighters and Emergency Medical Services workers, giving what these witnesses saw and heard as the World Trade Center Twin Towers collapsed, exploding, into their Lower Manhattan footprints. My effort, aided with great care and patience by Celestine, are the Slides you can see below.
The Video whole, with 100+ Slides, can be played below.
Here, too, are HIGHLIIGHTS, I think, of what the Slides have to tell.
The FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM—”Now, Depressions can be scientifically created.”
The United States’ third privately owned Central Bank, the Federal Reserve System. The “Fed” issues our Nation’s Currency and sets Banks’ Interest-Rates.
Structure and Ownership—the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and which Banks own the FRS of NY and which “ ‘9/11’ “ Executives have served as Chairman of this ‘most consequential’ Bank.
The “ ‘Great Depression’ “—Scientifically and brutally created by ‘The Great Contraction’ and then followed by more Thefts through ‘The Great Confiscation’.
The Council on Foreign Relations, founded in 1921. 21 of 24 U.S. Presidents and 20 U.S. Secretaries of State have since belonged to the CFR … Partners with NAZIs … “ ‘Pearl Harbor’ “… Still Partners with NAZIs … Creation of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund … Coups and Assassinations courtesy the Central Intelligence Agency … The World Trade Center in New York City rises with its Twin Towers funded by Rockefellers … More Recessions and Grander International Thefts … Yet more Debt for the FRS and the CFR due to their Nonsensical Executives’ Arrogance and Greed.
And yet—as we’ve seen from an earlier Slide, DEBT in the United States multiplied.
Executives such as Dick Cheney of Halliburton worried about what might serve as Pretext for another international War to serve the ‘process of transformation [ … }
Zbignew Brzezinski, who ‘co-founded’ the Trilateral Commission with David Rockfeller and was National Security Advisor to Trilateral member President Jimmy Carter, wrote in 1997.
Henry Kissinger, an aide to David Rockefeller since World War II, before his service to the student Klaus Schwab (later World Economic Forum Executive) at Harvard, give instructions to the U.S. Government on the very evening of 9/11/01. Kissinger also invoked ‘Pearl Harbor’ as a compelling example.